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How to Handle Temptation

Foundation Scripture: James 4:7-8

Whenever a person makes the decision to give God their life, satan will do everything in his power to turn them around. The Bible tells us that the enemy walks about as a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. Satan uses different tactics to get you to retract your stance for God. A few of his tactics are the lust of the eyes, the lust of the flesh and the pride of life (1 John 2:16). All of these things often start from within the heart of a Believer if the Believer is not careful. The devil will try to use your selfish and greedy desires against you, causing you to rebel against God. The Bible says that every man is drawn away of his own lust (James 1:14), therefore, we must continuously guard our hearts and our minds from the enemy’s strategic temptations. It all starts with us. We must be willing to completely surrender to God. This is not a one time thing, but rather ongoing, and renewing daily. We must continually submit ourselves through prayer and fasting, and simply resist the devil. Through prayer, fasting, and sanctification we become subject to our Heavenly Father and strengthen our ability, through Christ, to push back against the devil. Paul tells us in Ephesians that once we have put on this new life, we should not even give place to the devil- that is to say, we shouldn’t even entertain the devil. 1 Thessalonians 5:22-23 admonishes us to abstain from all appearances of evil, and the very God of peace sanctify you wholly (entirely). In other words, the best way to handle temptation from the enemy is to draw closer to God. We must seek to draw nigh to Him through our prayer life, and fasting. We must look to be renewed each day in Jesus Christ. As we draw closer to God it becomes easier to see the enemy, and most of all, see ourselves.

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